Source code for revl

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"""Helps to benchmark code for Autodesk Maya."""

__all__ = ['NULL_OBJ', 'Context', 'Command', 'Primitive', 'PrimitiveType',
           'validate', 'run', 'pickTransform', 'createDagNode', 'createDgNode',
           'createPrimitive', 'createTransform', 'unparent']

__title__ = 'revl'
__version__ = '0.2.0'
__summary__ = "Helps to benchmark code for Autodesk Maya"
__url__ = ''
__author__ = "Christopher Crouzet"
__contact__ = ''
__license__ = "MIT"

import collections
import numbers
import random
import sys

from maya import OpenMaya

if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
    _BUILTIN_MODULE = '__builtin__'

    def _iteritems(d, **kwargs):
        return d.iteritems(**kwargs)

    _range = xrange
    _BUILTIN_MODULE = 'builtins'

    def _iteritems(d, **kwargs):
        return iter(d.items(**kwargs))

    _range = range

_SEQUENCE_TYPES = (list, tuple)

#: Constant denoting an invalid object.
NULL_OBJ = OpenMaya.MObject().kNullObj

[docs]class Context(object): """Evaluation context. Each command function needs to define this context as first parameter. Attributes ---------- dg : maya.OpenMaya.MDGModifier DG modifier. dag : maya.OpenMaya.MDagModifier DAG modifier. transforms : list of maya.OpenMaya.MObject Transform nodes. Provides data for the :func:`pickTransform` function. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- kwargs Keyword arguments to define additional attributes. """ self.dg = OpenMaya.MDGModifier() self.dag = OpenMaya.MDagModifier() self.transforms = [] self.__dict__.update(kwargs) def __repr__(self): values = ', '.join(['%s=%r' % (k, v) for k, v in sorted(_iteritems(self.__dict__))]) return "%s(%s)" % (type(self).__name__, values)
_Command = collections.namedtuple( 'Command', ( 'weight', 'function', 'args', 'kwargs', )) _Command.__new__.__defaults__ = (None, None)
[docs]class Command(_Command): """Weighted command. It is not necessary to use this class to define a command as it can be done by directly using a tuple instead. But the tuple needs to be compatible with the structure defined here. Attributes ---------- weight : float Probability for this command to be evaluated. The value is relative to the other commands defined in the same set. function : function Function to evaluate. Its first argument needs to the command context :class:`Context`. args : tuple or None Additional arguments to pass to the function. ``None`` is the equivalent of setting an empty tuple. kwargs : dict or None Keyword arguments to pass to the function. ``None`` is the equivalent of setting an empty dictionary. """ __slots__ = ()
_COMMAND_ATTR_COUNT = len(Command._fields) _COMMAND_REQUIRED_ARG_RANGE = _range( _COMMAND_ATTR_COUNT - len(Command.__new__.__defaults__), _COMMAND_ATTR_COUNT + 1) _Primitive = collections.namedtuple( 'Primitive', ( 'generator', 'transform', 'shapes', ))
[docs]class Primitive(_Primitive): """Primitive. An instance of this class is returned by the :func:`createPrimitive` function. Attributes ---------- generator : maya.OpenMaya.MObject Node object generating the shapes. transform : maya.OpenMaya.MObject Transform object. shapes : list of maya.OpenMaya.MObject Shape objects. """ __slots__ = ()
_PrimitiveTraits = collections.namedtuple( '_PrimitiveTraits', ( 'type', 'shapeType', 'outPlugs', 'inPlug', )) def _defineCurveTraits(type, outPlugs=None): outPlugs = ['outputCurve'] if outPlugs is None else outPlugs return _PrimitiveTraits(type=type, shapeType='nurbsCurve', outPlugs=outPlugs, inPlug='create') def _defineMeshTraits(type): return _PrimitiveTraits(type=type, shapeType='mesh', outPlugs=['output'], inPlug='inMesh') def _defineSurfaceTraits(type, outPlugs=None): outPlugs = ['outputSurface'] if outPlugs is None else outPlugs return _PrimitiveTraits(type=type, shapeType='nurbsSurface', outPlugs=outPlugs, inPlug='create') _PRIMITIVE_TRAITS = { PrimitiveType.NURBS_CIRCLE: _defineCurveTraits('makeNurbCircle'), PrimitiveType.NURBS_CONE: _defineSurfaceTraits('makeNurbCone'), PrimitiveType.NURBS_CUBE: _defineSurfaceTraits( 'makeNurbCube', outPlugs=['outputSurface%s' % (_i if _i > 0 else '',) for _i in _range(6)]), PrimitiveType.NURBS_CYLINDER: _defineSurfaceTraits('makeNurbCylinder'), PrimitiveType.NURBS_PLANE: _defineSurfaceTraits('makeNurbPlane'), PrimitiveType.NURBS_SPHERE: _defineSurfaceTraits('makeNurbSphere'), PrimitiveType.NURBS_SQUARE: _defineCurveTraits( 'makeNurbsSquare', outPlugs=['outputCurve%s' % (_i,) for _i in _range(1, 5)]), PrimitiveType.NURBS_TORUS: _defineSurfaceTraits('makeNurbTorus'), PrimitiveType.POLY_CONE: _defineMeshTraits('polyCone'), PrimitiveType.POLY_CUBE: _defineMeshTraits('polyCube'), PrimitiveType.POLY_HELIX: _defineMeshTraits('polyHelix'), PrimitiveType.POLY_CYLINDER: _defineMeshTraits('polyCylinder'), PrimitiveType.POLY_MISC: _defineMeshTraits('polyPrimitiveMisc'), PrimitiveType.POLY_PIPE: _defineMeshTraits('polyPipe'), PrimitiveType.POLY_PLANE: _defineMeshTraits('polyPlane'), PrimitiveType.POLY_PLATONIC_SOLID: _defineMeshTraits('polyPlatonicSolid'), PrimitiveType.POLY_PRISM: _defineMeshTraits('polyPrism'), PrimitiveType.POLY_PYRAMID: _defineMeshTraits('polyPyramid'), PrimitiveType.POLY_SPHERE: _defineMeshTraits('polySphere'), PrimitiveType.POLY_TORUS: _defineMeshTraits('polyTorus'), }
[docs]def validate(commands): """Check if the commands are well-formed. Parameters ---------- commands : list of revl.Command or compatible tuple Commands. Raises ------ TypeError Some of the commands aren't well-formed. """ # The following checks are not to enforce some sort of type checking # in place of Python's duck typing but rather to give a chance to provide # more meaningful error messages to the user. if not isinstance(commands, _SEQUENCE_TYPES): raise TypeError( "The command set is expected to be an instance object of type %s, " "not '%s'." % (_joinTypes(_SEQUENCE_TYPES, "or "), _formatType(type(commands)),)) # Check the overall shape of each command. for command in commands: if not isinstance(command, _SEQUENCE_TYPES): raise TypeError( "Each command is expected to be an instance object of type " "%s, not '%s'." % (_joinTypes(_SEQUENCE_TYPES + (Command,), "or "), _formatType(type(command)),)) if len(command) not in _COMMAND_REQUIRED_ARG_RANGE: raise TypeError( "Each command is expected to be an instance object of type " "%s, and compatible with the '%s' structure, but got '%s' " "instead." % (_joinTypes(_SEQUENCE_TYPES + (Command,), "or "), _formatType(Command), command)) # Check each command attribute. for command in commands: command = Command(*command) if not isinstance(command.weight, numbers.Real): raise TypeError( "The first element of a command, that is the 'weight' " "attribute, is expected to be a real number, not '%s'." % (_formatType(type(command.weight)))) if not callable(command.function): raise TypeError( "The second element of a command, that is the 'function' " "attribute, is expected to be a callable object, not '%s'." % (_formatType(type(command.function)))) if (command.args is not None and not isinstance(command.args, _SEQUENCE_TYPES)): raise TypeError( "The third element of a command, that is the 'args' " "attribute, is expected to be an instance object of type %s, " "not '%s'." % (_joinTypes(_SEQUENCE_TYPES + (type(None),), "or "), _formatType(type(command.args)))) if (command.kwargs is not None and not isinstance(command.kwargs, dict)): raise TypeError( "The fourth element of a command, that is the 'kwargs' " "attribute, is expected to be an instance object of type " "'dict', or 'NoneType', not '%s'." % (_formatType(type(command.kwargs)))) return True
[docs]def run(commands, count, seed=None, context=None): """Randomly run weighted commands from a set. Each command comes with a weight which determines the probabilities for that command to be run. Use :func:`validate` to check if the input command set is well-formed. Parameters ---------- commands : list of revl.Command or compatible tuple Set of weighted commands. count : int Total number of commands to be run. Setting a count greater than the number of weighted commands doesn't guarantee that each command will be run once. Some might be run multiple times instead. seed : object Hashable object to define the starting seed of the pseudo-random number generations. If ``None``, the current system time is used. Running multiple times a same set of commands with a same fixed seed that is not ``None`` produces identitcal results. context : revl.Context Context to use. If ``None``, a new one is created. Returns ------- revl.Context The context after evaluating the commands. Examples -------- >>> import revl >>> commands = [ ... (2.0, revl.createTransform,), ... (1.0, revl.createPrimitive, (), {'parent': True}) ... ] >>>, 100, seed=1.23) """ random.seed(seed) commands = _consolidate(commands) if context is None: context = Context() commands = [c for c in commands if c.weight > 0] if commands: for command in _pick(commands, count): args = () if command.args is None else command.args kwargs = {} if command.kwargs is None else command.kwargs command.function(context, *args, **kwargs) context.dag.doIt() context.dg.doIt() return context
[docs]def pickTransform(context): """Randomly pick a transform. Pickable transforms are listed within the :attr:`Context.transforms` attribute. Parameters ---------- context : revl.Context Command context. Returns ------- maya.OpenMaya.MObject The picked transform or :const:`NULL_OBJ` if the attribute :attr:`Context.transforms` is empty. """ if not context.transforms: return NULL_OBJ return context.transforms[random.randint(0, len(context.transforms) - 1)]
[docs]def createDagNode(context, type, parent=False): """Create a DAG node. To create a transform node or a geometry primitive, respectively use the functions :func:`createTransform` or :func:`createPrimitive`. Parameters ---------- context : revl.Context Command context. type : maya.OpenMaya.MTypeId or str Type of the node to create, for example: 'mesh', 'parentConstraint', 'pointLight', 'renderSphere', and so on. parent : bool ``True`` to parent the new DAG node under a transform randomly picked from the scene. If ``True`` but no transform could be found in the scene, then the DAG node isn't created. If ``False``, a new transform is always created at the world and is used as the parent for the new DAG node. Returns ------- maya.OpenMaya.MObject The new node object or :const:`NULL_OBJ` if the parameter 'parent' was set to ``True`` but no transform could be found. """ if parent: oParent = pickTransform(context) if oParent is NULL_OBJ: return NULL_OBJ else: oParent = context.dag.createNode('transform') context.transforms.append(oParent) return context.dag.createNode(type, oParent)
[docs]def createDgNode(context, type): """Create a DG node. To create a DAG node, use either one of the functions :func:`createDagNode`, :func:`createTransform`, or :func:`createPrimitive`. Parameters ---------- context : revl.Context Command context. type : maya.OpenMaya.MTypeId or str Type of the node to create, for example: 'addDoubleLinear', 'bevel', 'clamp', 'lambert', and so on. Returns ------- maya.OpenMaya.MObject The new node object. """ return context.dg.createNode(type)
[docs]def createPrimitive(context, type=None, name=None, parent=False, forceTransformCreation=True): """Create a geometry primitive. Parameters ---------- context : revl.Context Command context. type : int Primitive type. Available values are enumerated in the :class:`PrimitiveType` class. If ``None``, a primitive type is randomly picked. name : str Base name for the new transform node. If ``None``, no name is explicitely set. parent : bool ``True`` to parent the new transform under another transform randomly picked from the scene, if any. Otherwise it is parented under the world. forceTransformCreation : bool ``True`` to always create a new transform with the shapes as child, otherwise a new transform is created only if the parameter ``parent`` is ``False`` or if no transform could be found in the scene to parent the shapes to. Returns ------- revl.Primitive The new primitive, that is its generator, its transform, and its shapes. """ if type is None: type = random.randint(PrimitiveType._FIRST, PrimitiveType._LAST) oParent = pickTransform(context) if parent else NULL_OBJ if forceTransformCreation or oParent is NULL_OBJ: oTransform = context.dag.createNode('transform', oParent) context.transforms.append(oTransform) else: oTransform = oParent traits = _PRIMITIVE_TRAITS[type] oGenerator = context.dg.createNode(traits.type) generator = OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode(oGenerator) shapes = [] for outPlug in traits.outPlugs: oShape = context.dag.createNode(traits.shapeType, oTransform) shape = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode(oShape) context.dg.connect(generator.findPlug(outPlug), shape.findPlug(traits.inPlug)) shapes.append(oShape) if name is not None: OpenMaya.MFnDagNode(oTransform).setName(name) return Primitive(generator=oGenerator, transform=oTransform, shapes=shapes)
[docs]def createTransform(context, name=None, parent=False): """Create a transform node. Parameters ---------- context : revl.Context Command context. name : str Name of the new transform node. If ``None``, the default name is used. parent : bool ``True`` to parent the new transform under another transform randomly picked from the scene, if any. Otherwise it is parented under the world. Returns ------- maya.OpenMaya.MObject The new transform object. """ oParent = pickTransform(context) if parent else NULL_OBJ oTransform = context.dag.createNode('transform', oParent) if name is not None: OpenMaya.MFnDagNode(oTransform).setName(name) context.transforms.append(oTransform) return oTransform
[docs]def unparent(context): """Unparent a random transform node. Parameters ---------- context : revl.Context Command context. """ oNode = pickTransform(context) if oNode is NULL_OBJ: return context.dag.reparentNode(oNode, NULL_OBJ)
def _consolidate(commands): """Enforce the structure of the commands. Parameters ---------- commands : list of revl.Command or compatible tuple Commands. Returns ------- list of revl.Command The consolidated commands. """ return [Command(*c) for c in commands] def _pick(commands, count): """Randomly pick commands from a set a given number of times. Parameters ---------- commands : list of revl.Command Set of weighted commands available for picking. count : int Total number of commands to pick. Yields ------ revl.Command The command picked. """ # Credits: Ned Batchelder for his answer on StackOverflow at # total = sum(c.weight for c in commands) for _ in _range(count): r = random.uniform(0, total) v = 0 for command in commands: v += command.weight if v >= r: yield command break def _formatType(cls): """Format a type name for printing. Parameters ---------- cls : type Class object. Returns ------- str The formatted class object name. """ if cls.__module__ == _BUILTIN_MODULE: return cls.__name__ else: return '%s.%s' % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__) def _formatElement(element, count, index, lastSeparator): """Format an element from a sequence. This only prepends a separator for the last element and wraps each element with single quotes. Parameters ---------- element : object Current element. count : int Total number of items in the sequence. index : int Current index. lastSeparator : str Separator to be used for joining the last element when multiple elements are to be joined. Returns ------- str The joined object string representations. """ return ("%s'%s'" % (lastSeparator, element) if count > 1 and index == count - 1 else "'%s'" % (element,)) def _joinSequence(seq, lastSeparator=''): """Join a sequence into a string. Parameters ---------- seq : sequence Object string representations to be joined. lastSeparator : str Separator to be used for joining the last element when multiple elements are to be joined. Returns ------- str The joined object string representations. """ count = len(seq) return ', '.join(_formatElement(element, count, i, lastSeparator) for i, element in enumerate(seq)) def _joinTypes(seq, lastSeparator=''): """Join class object names into a string. Parameters ---------- seq : sequence Class objects whose names are to be joined. lastSeparator : str Separator to be used for joining the last element when multiple types are to be joined. Returns ------- str The joined class object names. """ classNames = [_formatType(cls) for cls in seq] return _joinSequence(classNames, lastSeparator)